Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hiv Rash Duration How Does A HIV Rash Look Like?

How does a HIV rash look like? - hiv rash duration

What color is and where it is and how long and what someone pictures of the outbreak of HIV Thank you for the help ...............


(♥'s) said...

No, you're right, but not a rash, I think we're talking about injuries, their development .. HIV see a little bit so .. http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en & ...
I also found this page which appears to be very useful .. http://www.healthy-skincare.com/hiv-rash ...
=] X

fancyent... said...

There is no such thing as an outbreak of HIV ... Knowing he will not be tested, if you.

It could be herpes, or even razor burn ...

But just to be sure to go to a clinic to get tested and use protection:]

Smedo2k8 said...

Go to your GP


a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases

you all the information you need to give

Gotcha said...

I think she cried Koplicks points or something. They are bruised arms violet.

Anonymous said...

wtf ... AIDS is not a breakthrough is a disease !!!!!!!!

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