Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Mens Hair Color And Women Hair Color Is Hair Color For Women And Men The Same?

Is hair color for women and men the same? - what is the difference between mens hair color and women hair color

I find it interesting that mens hair color takes one twentieth of a plateau in the shops and hair care for women to occupy an entire wing. Thus, there is a difference between the colors? When a person uses an official haircoloring as Clairol excellence cream or something, do not be a problem?

Just wondering.


lys said...

I think the hair follicle / flaps MENS hair is dense and difficult to give, if certain products are of death for people. =)

KP said...

There are many ads here freaking happens.

I do not think there is a difference. Hair is hair ... I do not know if it's true that the hair of people who are difficult to penetrate, or if it was only one man in the line of hair color, so (they feel better to buy hair color this is) as marketing.

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