Monday, February 15, 2010

The Most Powerful Blender In Dubai Stores Does Using A Powerful Blender Destroy Fibre And Is It Worse For A Diabetic Than Eating Whole Fruit?

Does using a powerful blender destroy fibre and is it worse for a diabetic than eating whole fruit? - the most powerful blender in dubai stores

I know that the consumption of whole fruit is better than fruit juices such as fruit juice from the fiber. Mixing performance can be marketed as a healthy drink in a piece of fruit, and got a. I'm just borderline diabetic and I have not seen a nutritionist - yet.

I'm just curious as to whether to eat a whole fruit powder in a blender is also good for preventing a rapid rise in blood sugar than the whole fruit (eat as a result of low GI), in other words.

Is low-fat milk and yoghurt and fruit compote good / OK for a diabetic?


German Shepard said...

Fruit juices problem is that the concentration of carbohydrates than the fruit base. Not walking through the fruit of a blender to break the soluble fiber you eat the same thing. When you browse the mixer not swallow breaks, a food that Apple does not allow chewing. Remember, many diabetics must limit the amount of carbohydrates eaten for breakfast. Also check how it affects your blood before eating and again 1 and 2 hours later. Then check for milk, yogurt and fruit smoothies count carbs and test, to see what they do for blood. Liquefaction of food does not alter the nutritional value that only changes the type of food.

dingding said...

I see you're back in a blender, "powerful" problem! Like I said, you should not really eat much fruit, if they are insulin resistant (pre-diabetics, borderline, etc..) Smoothies are rich in carbohydrates - fruit and milk are full of fructose and lactose. Vegetables are good, but not carbohydrates. If you fruits have 1 or 2 pieces of fruit throughout the day.

bob t said...

The fruit has a lot of sugar. Get a glucose monitor and control the blood sugar levels.

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