Friday, January 22, 2010

Back Bone Pain More Condition_symptoms I'm 25 And Having Lots Of Bone Pain In Cold Weather-- Mainly Lower Back And Knees, What Should I Do?

I'm 25 and having lots of bone pain in cold weather-- mainly lower back and knees, what should I do? - back bone pain more condition_symptoms

As I was about 22 I had a lot with big back pain during the cold season. In general, they have to their knees and backs are to ensure the bone well covered, otherwise the damage. I must do something as soon as possible before winter. What do you recommend. Please be specific, what kind of doctor to help me? What can you do?


tom said...

Let me start with your favorite GP. If it is beyond their experience, will be referred to a specialist. It's better than the best choice of action. Sounds like you develop arthritis, but could be wrong. I hope you feel better soon.

tom said...

Let me start with your favorite GP. If it is beyond their experience, will be referred to a specialist. It's better than the best choice of action. Sounds like you develop arthritis, but could be wrong. I hope you feel better soon.

redhotge... said...

call a physician

pike_maz... said...

Good question. Well, unfortunately, its more for you. While there try a few things. LoL. One thing that you would at the local hunting / cash sale of sports and collect any type of weapons or firearms. You also need ammunition. When at home, so you know the rest.

Or, you could only jump off a cliff. I love you baby!

Just joking

henjen07 said...

You need to consult a doctor and pain Managenment let him know that this also would u recommened troubles.I this cream named Tiger Balm try everything you can about what works for me.I m '35 years and have to buy arthritis and neurepoathy cerivcal in my neck where the neck was broken in three places and I have bad knees, I wish him all the luck this.i hope to improve before the winter, the feeling, I think I'm in hibernation.

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