Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dog Health Dog Health : (?

Dog Health : (? - dog health

hey guys, the kind of poodle I'm old enough and HES did not have very good health with your dog, so I wanted to ask ... lately hes very slow and sluggish, and his nose is dry all the time ... We feed him lots of food ... HES HES to be a chubby for me still a little vague ... If I wash my rectum seems a little swollen, but I try to wash with soap and water now ... I do not know if I bring him to a vet or do not want and I will forever hahaha What do you think I should do to live? on dry nose, lethargic mood and rectum burning


Green Weasle said...

Give it a food of good quality dog! I recommend wood Wold (Google Search), because he is older and may not be able to easily adapt to raw food. So, take him to the vet to see to the rectum, can food, but it could be something serious.

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