Sunday, January 17, 2010

What Does Your Cm Look Like When You Miss A Period Ok Missed Period Positive Test, Negative Tests Then Period Now What?

Ok missed period positive test, negative tests then period now what? - what does your cm look like when you miss a period

I missed my time, my last period .. for 2 ½ weeks na i took 2 tests were positive 3 days later I took a few were negative 2 weeks after I took my time .. now its 8 days since I finished my time and I cm seems to ovulation. is only 28 but I ovulate (I'm 41-day cycle), the ovulation would think IAM


TTC number 1 said...

The same thing happened to me: positive, negative bleeding time. It seems as if you had had a pregnancy very early miscarriage or chemical. This happened to me twice this year. If I were you, I would like tonight to have sex problem, in case you have before ovulation occurs? normal damage if you arent. Only dates and keep in mind if you are not sure when ovulation had sex cover only 2.3 times per week for all. Miscarriage can bring your cycle confused. Normally have 28 days cycle for me, but I cycle of 21 days, are then synchronized again.
Good luck. I hope that you are pregnant again soon!.

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